June 7, 2014

June 2014 
In this issue: 
MEA Membership and PAC Meetings Set for September 15th 
2014 Elections for MEA Officers and Board Set to Begin 
MEA Video Highlights the City’s Managers 
Wage Reopener Bargaining Underway at Courts 
Effects Bargaining Continues at SF Housing Authority 
MEA 1st Quarter General Membership Meeting for 14-15 
Monday, September 15, 2014 
Agenda Includes 
Report of MEA Nominating Committee and Call for Other Nominations 
MEA 13-14 Year-End Financial Report 
MEA 2014 Political Action Committee (PAC) Meeting 
Monday, September 15, 2014 
Agenda Includes 
Candidates for Board of Supervisor from Districts 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 
Assessor-Recorder, Public Defender and Local Ballot Measures 
– Food and Beverages Provided for Both Meetings – 
The meeting will be held at San Francisco Main Library Latino/Hispanic Rooms A&B, 100 Larkin Street at Grove. The Library is closed on Monday nights, so please plan to arrive before 6:00 p.m. If you arrive after 6:00 p.m., you can enter at the far right door of the Grove Street entrance by calling the security office at 415-557-4357. Please remember to RSPV by emailing or calling 415-989-7244. Refreshments are available starting at 5:30pm.
2014 Elections for MEA Officers and Board Set to Begin 
MEA Board elections are scheduled to be held at the Second (2nd) Quarter General Membership Meeting of 2014-2015. Pursuant to the MEA By Laws, board members are classified into two groups with the election of one-half (1/2) of the Board of Directors every two (2) years.
In June of 2014, the MEA Board members not up for election select three (3) regular members in good standing to serve as the Nominating Committee. That Committee has been selected and is made up of Toye Moses, Jean Caramatti and Rosemary Passantino. Such Nominating Committee shall meet and prepare a list of nominees for the various elective offices of the Association. A list of those nominees shall be distributed to each member via the newsletter at least thirty (30) days prior to the first quarter
membership meeting. At that meeting, nominations for candidates may made by regular members in good standing from the floor. Such nominations must be accompanied by a petition of support signed by at least fifty (50) active members.
Directors and Officers shall be elected for four-year terms, shall be installed at the Second Quarter Membership Meeting and shall assume the responsibilities of their office immediately upon election.
MEA Video Highlights the City’s Managers 
As part of an ongoing initiative to frame and tell the story of the extraordinary public servants who make up the membership of MEA, we produced a video that can now be viewed on our website ( or through the link below. While this effort was initiated during bargaining so we could provide an arbitrator with some understanding of the critical importance of good managers in a complex environment, it reflects just one piece in our larger plan to elevate the discourse around public employees and to showcase the work you do. We welcome feedback and ideas as we seek to expand our efforts.
Wage Reopener Bargaining Underway at Courts 
As the economy continues to improve, and the State’s budget begins to stabilize, we turn our attention to the MEA represented managers at the Civil and Criminal Courts. This group of employees also stepped forward during the difficult years and agreed to concessions that minimized layoffs and service cuts. As the economy has improved, the contract has adjusted first with a restoration of a 5% cut, then with a one-time bonus payment and, finally, in July of 2013 a 3% wage increase, the first in four years. Although the Court MOU is not set to expire until spring of 2015, it calls for a reopener on wages and bargaining on that single issue is currently underway. MEA bargaining team members – Mark Culkins, Nicole Adams, Gia Espinocilla and Rose Gonzalez – working with staff have been developing proposals and checking in with members as the state budget picture becomes clearer and a general wage adjustment in 2014 more likely.
Effects Bargaining Continues at SF Housing Authority 
Meanwhile, things are much more difficult at the San Francisco Housing Authority where effects bargaining is underway in anticipation of downsizing as a result of the implementation of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program. Although MEA is not expecting to be impacted by layoffs until 2016, ongoing discussions with other unions mean an agreement will be reached that the Housing Authority will want to apply across all groups. MEA has set as its top priority ensuring continuing employment at the Housing Authority or the City. While it is too soon to tell, there is a good chance that attrition will obviate the need for some layoffs. The team at SFHA – Florence Cheng, Miguel Paltao, Cherry Hwee and Gwen Porter – have been tireless in their efforts to protect their fellow employees while also supporting the SFHA’s evolving mission and ongoing viability. This group of employees has also endured wage cuts and freezes over the last few years and, like MEA members citywide, hopes that an improving economy results in improving wages and working conditions even during this difficult period.
MEA Mission Statement: To enhance the quality of life for all San Franciscans and visitors by promoting sound government practices, supporting professional excellence for our City’s managers, and maintaining the highest ethical standards in the delivery of service to the public.
MEA Board: Martha Knutzen, Secretary MEA Staff: 
Mary Fitzpatrick, President Warren Cole Wilfredo Lim Rebecca Rhine
David German, Vice President Mark Culkins Jocelyn Quintos Raquel Silva
Crispin Hollings, Treasurer Luenna Kim Cathy Widener Camaguey Corvinelli
Municipal Executives’ Association at 870 Market Street, Suite 840, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 989-7244 Fax: (415) 989-7077 Email: Website:

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