August 2024 Newsletter (abridged version)

August 15, 2024

MEA Members provided an unabridged Newsletter

  • Management Training Fund FY24-25 - IMS
  • MEA and DHR 2024 Leadership Development Program
  • Updated Meet and Confers
San Francisco Municipal Executives Association
Newsletter  ǁ  August 2024
Message from the Board President - MEA Social Function
Come join other MEA members as we support the City’s initiatives to revitalize downtown. This is an informal, after work, no-host gathering.
Join MEA on Thursday, September 5th from 5pm for Downtown First Thursdays.
MEA Management Training Fund FY24-25
Check out the Institute for Management Studies (; they offer virtual seminars/courses ( and Employees can use the management training funds to attend these seminars/courses which are paid directly from the individual's training allocation through the Department of Human Resources (DHR). Hence, employees do not need to pay upfront or be reimbursed. The only requirement is to submit an expense authorization (including a description and quote for the course/seminar) to receive MEA pre-approval.
MEA and DHR 2024 Leadership Development Program – nomination deadline 8/20
DHR is accepting nominations for the 14th annual CCSF and MEA Leadership Development program that begins this September. The program welcomes nominations from all City departments for MEA-represented and unrepresented managers reflecting a diversity of experiences and backgrounds. This program is offered at no cost to departments.

Department Heads may nominate individuals for the program, or your department may allow managers to self-nominate. A nomination form is attached. Completed nomination forms will be accepted from July 22nd through August 20th; and will be reviewed in the order received. In order to ensure a diverse cohort, a maximum number of 1-3 program spots will be designated for participating departments, depending on department size and overall response. For this reason, early nomination is only one of the factors DHR considers in selecting the cohort.

The program will run from September through mid-November and will consist of 11 sessions. Four of the sessions will occur in-person, and seven sessions will occur on the Zoom platform. The attached brochure outlines the program components, schedule, and prerequisites. Please refer to the website for detailed information regarding the prerequisites of this program.

The CCSF and MEA Leadership Development program is ideal for managers who are interested in strengthening their ability to communicate effectively with multiple audiences, and support team members through effective coaching and conflict management techniques. This program aims to empower managers with the skills and confidence to lead their teams effectively now and in the future. Participants will build skills and develop relationships with other leaders in the City.

We ask departments to support their nominee’s full participation in the program by providing them with protected time away from their work to attend all cohort sessions. We also ask that each nominee’s manager commit to meeting with the nominee throughout the program to discuss how to best leverage the program content.

If you have any questions about the CCSF and MEA Leadership Development program, please contact Ishani Baruah, Assistant Director of Learning and Organization Development, at, or Denise Van Alstine, Learning and Development Partner with DHR’s Workforce Development Division, at
Are You an Engaged Member?
An engaged member interacts with the organization often enough and in meaningful enough ways that they find personal value in the relationship. MEA fosters an environment that promotes such interaction: encourages contribution, builds connections, communicates regularly, and creates confidence for all members. We encourage you to (1) join an MEA Board Committee and (2) talk to your colleagues and encourage others to become a member of MEA.
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