April 7, 2014

April 2014 
In this issue: 
CCSF and MTA Make Initial Wage Proposal – MEA Prepares for Arbitration 
MEA Board Defers 2014 MEA Dues Increase 
UPDATE: MEA CCSF Management Training Fund 13-14 
Membership Meeting Notification: Monday, April 28, 2014 
CCSF and MTA Make Initial Wage Proposal – MEA Prepares for Arbitration 
The City and MTA presented their initial wage proposal to MEA on Wednesday, April 2nd. To say the proposal was insufficient would be an understatement. While the overall proposal was for a 2% general wage increase in each of the first two years of a potential MOU, the way in which the increases are timed actually results in a one-half percent (.5%) increase in 14-15 and a one-percent (1%) increase in 15-16. This disconnect between that proposal and the current economic climate is stunning.
The City explained that the 13-14 wage increase of 3% just went into full effect and therefore should be viewed as an increase in 14-15. This argument was particularly disingenuous since the structure of the 13-14 increase (1% July 1, 2013, 1% January 4, 2014 and March 29, 2014) was agreed to at the City’s request as a hedge against the uncertainty of the emerging recovery. To have that used against us in this round of negotiations – with the recovery in full swing – is troubling. In fact, the City’s entire analysis is troubling since it asserts that we shouldn’t expect meaningful wage increases when times are bad and we shouldn’t expect meaningful wage increases when times are good because they may get bad again. MEA’s track record speaks for itself. We step up first when there is a challenge, we make decisions based on facts, we lead rather than follow and we always seek to protect and enhance the programs and services of the City.
In this case the data is clear. The City is thriving, reserves are at pre-downturn levels, our bond ratings are stellar - in large part as a result of dealing with our benefit challenges - and we are seeking modest increases that recognize the cost of living in the Bay Area and the ground lost over the last 10 years. We want to reach an equitable agreement, but we will not shy away from seeking an arbitrators’ award if that is not achieved through bargaining. As always we welcome your insights and feedback. You can send comments to Thank you for your support.
MEA Board Defers 2014 Dues Increase 
In action taken at its March 2014 Board meeting, the MEA Board of Directors voted to defer the dues increase scheduled to go into effect on July 1, 2014. In June of 2012, MEA members voted to increase the dues to $35 per pay period effective October 1st of that year and to $40 per pay period as of July 1, 2014. As a result of increased membership and thoughtful fiscal oversight, the Board has determined that the July 1, 2014 increase is not necessary at this time. The deferral is for at least six months and
will be revisited by the Board as part of planning for the 14-15 fiscal year. For more information contact MEA at
UPDATE: MEA CCSF Management Training Fund 13-14 
Funds for training under the CCSF 2013-2014 Management Training Program have become available again. MEA will begin accepting online pre-approval requests through DHR’s Tuition Manager Program starting Monday, April 7, 2014. There are no funds available for equipment at this time. This training fund is open to all represented managers and may be used multiple times within a year up to a cap of $2000 per person per fiscal year, until the training fund has been exhausted. Here are few important reminders about the tuition reimbursement process:
Pre-Approval Requests 
The pre-approval request should include the request form and supporting documentation that outlines the cost of the training (i.e. conference brochure, course catalog, hotel invoice). The supporting documentation is required to justify the approval amount.
Proof of Attendance/ Completion 
If an employee attends an event (class, conference, etc.) the employee must provide proof of attendance/completion for reimbursement.
Proof of Payment 
The proof of payment documents need to include the employee’s name and show payment was made. Some registration/order confirmation documents do not include proof of payment. Additionally, pre-approval requests that are for multiple items need to be made as separate pre-approval requests. For example, if you are attending a conference, renewing membership, and purchasing a manual, you will need to submit (3) three pre-approval requests. You will need to submit one (1) request for the conference registration, one (1) request for the membership fee, and one (1) request for the manual.
Please contact Camaguey Corvinelli if you have any questions or concerns. She can be reached at (415) 989-7244 or
PLEASE NOTE: THE MEA Equipment Fund has been exhausted for the 2013-2014 fiscal year. We will not be accepting any further pre-approval requests for equipment. 
MEA 4th Quarter General Membership Meeting for 13-14 
Monday, April 28, 2014 
6-8pm – Food and Beverages Provided 
Agenda Includes 
MEA 14-15 Proposed Budget 
The meeting will be held at San Francisco Main Library Latino/Hispanic Rooms A&B, 100 Larkin Street at Grove. The Library is closed on Monday nights, so please plan to arrive before 6:00 p.m. If you arrive after 6:00 p.m., you can enter at the far right door of the Grove Street entrance by calling the security office at 415-557-4357. Please remember to RSPV by emailing or calling 415-989-7244. Refreshments are available starting at 5:30pm.
MEA Mission Statement: To enhance the quality of life for all San Franciscans and visitors by promoting sound government practices, supporting professional excellence for our City’s managers, and maintaining the highest ethical standards in the delivery of service to the public.
MEA Board: Martha Knutzen, Secretary MEA Staff: 
Mary Fitzpatrick, President Warren Cole Wilfredo Lim Rebecca Rhine
David German, Vice President Mark Culkins Jocelyn Quintos Raquel Silva
Crispin Hollings, Treasurer Luenna Kim Cathy Widener Camaguey Corvinelli
Municipal Executives’ Association at 870 Market Street, Suite 840, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 989-7244 Fax: (415) 989-7077 Email: Website:

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