July 2024 Newsletter - abridged version. Unabridged Newsletter sent to MEA Members

July 8, 2024

MEA Members provided an unabridged Newsletter

  • New MEA Board President Message
  • MEA CRT Upcoming 2024 MOU Negotiations
  • MEA Misc and MEA MTA Successor 2024-2027 MOUs
  • Recent Meet and Confers
San Francisco Municipal Executives Association
Newsletter  ǁ  July 2024
New MEA Board President – Message from Charles Schuler (AIR)

Dear Members and the Board,

I’d like to thank the Board for their trust in electing me President to fulfill the remaining term of our out-going President, Jocelyn Quintos.

Please join me in thanking Jocelyn for her many years of volunteer service to MEA, including serving as President since January 2020. On behalf of the entire MEA community, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Jocelyn for her leadership and dedication.

Jocelyn leaves a lasting legacy that will benefit MEA for years to come, including restructuring our dues to ensure financial stability, significantly growing our membership, initiating committees to address racial equity, training, and membership recruitment, and increasing training related to ethics requirements, racial equity, and public integrity. Jocelyn accomplished all of this, and more, while supporting members and MEA through the COVID-19 pandemic.

As President, I look forward to working with the rest of the Board and our MEA staff to build on the amazing work that Jocelyn accomplished. My initial priorities include: successfully finalizing our contracts, developing our members and membership, creating networking opportunities, increased training opportunities, creating a standard of excellence in serving members, promoting racial equity, redeveloping the website, and exploring ways to securely digitize many of MEA’s processes and records.

I look forward to hearing from you and learning about your ideas on how MEA can better support our mission and our members.

Charles Schuler
This Summer brings many changes to our MOUs, including a 13% wage increase and a modified MCCP/non-MCCP and MTAM, which will help address wage inequities impacting our members. We encourage you to review the new Miscellaneous and MTA Mou’s currently posted on our website. - MEA Staff
MEA COURT (CRT) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Negotiations
The MEA Court MOU expires on August 31, 2024. On July 1, 2024, MEA and the CRT agreed to a 30-day extension of the MOU through September 30, 2024
MEA Misc and MEA MTA Successor Memoranda of Understanding
MEA 2024-2027 successor Memoranda of Understanding for both Miscellaneous and MTA bargaining units are available, respectively, at DHR https://www.sf.gov/sites/default/files/2024-06/Municipal-Executives-Association-2024-2027.pdf and at SFMTA https://www.sfmta.com/media/39934/download?inline.
Meet and Confer Meetings that impact MEA:
The City and MEA continue to meet and confer on the following issues (not an exhaustive list):
(1) Supervisor Chan made a motion in Committee for department heads and elected officials to place 10% of their salaries on reserve; specific positions were identified. MEA responded opposing and requesting the motion be tabled by the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Chan withdrew the motion upon advice from the City Attorney’s Office.
(2) FILE NO. 230987 Supervisor Safai’s Charter amendment establishes the Department of Emergency Management’s (DEM) Director position within the Charter.
(3) FILE NO. 240495 Supervisor Walton’s Charter amendment would make the Department of Police Accountability’s (DPA) Director an elected position (4-year term) instead of a Mayoral appointment.
(4) FILE NO. 240549 Supervisor Peskin’s Charter amendment establishes the position of Inspector General in the Controller’s Office.
(5) FILE NO. 221072 Supervisor Ronen’s Charter amendment would require the Controller to report to the Board of Supervisors the result of any investigation where the Controller concludes that a department head or elected official engaged in improper or unlawful activities, misused City funds, directly caused deficiencies in the quality and delivery of government services, or directly caused wasteful and inefficient government practices.
(6) FILE NO. 240544 Supervisor Dorsey’s Charter amendment would establish a Minimum Staffing Number for the Police Department.
(7) FILE NO. 240552 Supervisor Safai’s Charter amendment would change the definition of final compensation so that persons who have or will become members of the Fire Department on and after July 7, 2010 have a final compensation calculation based on one year of credited service as do those who became members of the Fire Department before that date.
(8) FILE NO. 240299 Supervisor Peskin’s Charter amendment would require that, by no later than June 30, 2026, the Fire Department shall no longer provide or use firefighter PPE containing intentionally-added PFAS.
(9) Ethics Commission Proposition D changes local law in these six ways, as discussed below: (1) modifies the local gift rules concerning restricted sources, (2) rescinds each department’s Statement of Incompatible Activities and establishes incompatibility rules that apply Citywide, (3) requires City departments to report to the Ethics Commission gifts the department receives, (4) requires all City employees who file a Statement of Economic Interest (Form 700) to complete an annual ethics training, (5) creates penalties for City employees and officers who fail to disclose personal, profession, or business relationships with persons who are the subject of a decision before the employee or officer, and (6) modifies the local definition of bribery.

Are You an Engaged Member?
An engaged member interacts with the organization often enough and in meaningful enough ways that they find personal value in the relationship. MEA fosters an environment that promotes such interaction: encourages contribution, builds connections, communicates regularly, and creates confidence for all members. We encourage you to (1) join an MEA Board Committee and (2) talk to your colleagues and encourage others to become a member of MEA.
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870 Market Street, Ste. 490, San Francisco, CA 94102 | P: (415) 989-7244 E: staff@sfmea.com