MEA MCCP B&C Program Relaunches for 15-16

September 3, 2015

The MCCP B&C program is now set to relaunch for 2015-2016.  All MEA represented managers should have received information from their departments about the criteria and timeline for submissions.  Among the key changes to the program is the opportunity for managers to submit an MCCP B&C request on their own behalf.  The application can be found at HYPERLINK "" with additional information available in the MEA MOUs for CCSF and MTA.    A comprehensive overview of the program can be found in the May 2015 MEA Newsletter.  Recent information provided by DHR to all CCSF departments is reproduced below:

DHR Notification on 2015-2016 MEA MCCP B&C Program:

As a reminder, we are quickly approaching the time period in which individual managers may make submissions on their own behalf by submitting requests directly to their department personnel officers.  Requests should be submitted via e-mail on the attached form between Monday, August 3rd and no later than the close of business, Friday, August 14th with a copy provided to MEA as well .

Please note that the form you will use is the same form the department will use as well when they ultimately make their final submissions.

Additionally, later this month, DHR will issue a detailed memorandum on the process with specific funding details.

Department submissions to the MCCP Post-Appointment Adjustment Committee are due by the close of business, Friday, October 9th and responses from the Committee will be provided by Friday, November 20th.

In the interest of equitable distribution among employees, departments will follow these guidelines to the extent feasible:

  • submissions should only be made for those that are currently at or above the top of Range A;
  • ongoing increases should be favored toward those who have not already received ongoing, wage adjustments;
  • to ensure that ongoing, wage adjustments and one-time, lump sum allocations are significant, but also available to a sufficient number of employees, they should be no less than $1,000 and no greater than $7,500;
  • allocations should be broadly distributed among all managerial levels (i.e., MCCP and non-MCCP);
  • annual allocations should aim to cover between 30% and 50% of the department’s covered employees;
  • individual performance varies so the allocation amounts should vary as well to reflect that variance in performance
  • submissions based on performance should favor one-time bonuses as this program allows for future lump sum bonuses if there is continued exceptional performance; on-going adjustments are best reserved for structural and retention issues.
  • As a reminder, the post-appointment process is designed to address the compensation of individual incumbents.  To the extent that there are changes in the responsibilities of a position, this program should not be a substitute for reclassification.
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