August 7, 2014

August 2014 
In this issue: 
Membership and PAC Meetings Set for September 15th 
City Launches Wellness Initiative – Managers Play Key Role 
Court Managers Continue to Advocate for a Wage Increase 
Retirement Board Election – Nominations Due September 19th 
MEA 1st Quarter General Membership Meeting for 14-15 
Monday, September 15, 2014 
Agenda Includes 
Report of MEA Nominating Committee and Call for Other Nominations 
MEA 13-14 Year-End Financial Report 
MEA 2014 Political Action Committee (PAC) Meeting 
Monday, September 15, 2014 
Confirmed Attendees: 
Malia Cohen, Scott Weiner, Jane Kim, Carmen Chu 
– Food and Beverages Provided for Both Meetings – 
The meeting will be held at San Francisco Main Library Latino/Hispanic Rooms A&B, 100 Larkin Street at Grove. The Library is closed on Monday nights, so please plan to arrive before 6:00 p.m. If you arrive after 6:00 p.m., you can enter at the far right door of the Grove Street entrance by calling the security office at 415-557-4357. Please remember to RSPV by emailing or calling 415-989-7244. Refreshments are available starting at 5:30pm.
City Launches Wellness Initiative – Managers Play Key Role 
This fall the City will launch a City-wide Wellness Program to support employee well-being. The program is designed to enhance quality of life, improve morale, reduce worker injuries and help contain healthcare costs. The plan is the result of two years of collaboration between HSS, DHR, the Controller’s Office, the Mayor’s Office and the Public Employees Committee (PEC). Starting in 2012 when a number of unions proposed alternatives to cost-shifting of health care premiums, the discussion about how to actually improve health and translate that improvement into lower costs – for employees, the City and taxpayers – has been ongoing. In September the program is launching for all employees and MEA members are key to its success. Numerous studies confirm that leadership involvement in wellness programs is among the most powerful indicators of potential success. Leaders are asked to support the program in these five key areas:
1. Align Wellness Goals with Business Goals
2. Walk the Talk
3. Support your Champions*
4. Remove Barriers
5. Recognize Well-Being
There is no doubt that your commitment to, and participation in, this program is absolutely critical if we are to succeed in our shared goal of increasing workplace well-being. The importance of workplace wellness and the role of the manager in its successful launch is outlined more fully at our website
HSS’s Wellness Team is available to answer questions, present at your location, and discuss ways you can have an impact on creating a culture of wellness. Each quarter, the Wellness Team will provide resources to help managers support the current wellness initiatives in the five key areas. Contact Stephanie Fisher, Wellness Manager 415-554-0650 or email
*Champions are the employees within each department charged with planning and promoting wellness activities and initiatives.
Court Managers Continue to Advocate for a Wage Increase 
Despite an improving economy and over $15 million in reserves, the SF Superior Court has rejected MEA’s proposal for a wage increase during negotiations taking place as a result of a 2014 wage reopener in the 2012-2015 MOU. Both MEA and the Court had hoped the State Budget would include increased funding for Court operations, but ultimately that did not happen. The Court, however, does have access to significant reserves that, under the newest Judicial Council budgeting model, must either be spent or forfeited. The “spend-down” plan includes much needed deferred maintenance, IT upgrades and pre-funding of retiree healthcare benefits, all of which have widespread support among MEA members. What is harder to support is the unwillingness of the Court to allocate some small portion of the savings towards employee compensation. The Court employees, like other public employees throughout the City are still trying to regain ground lost as a result of stagnant wages, unpaid furlough days and increased pension contributions.
Retirement Board Election:
The term of one of the three elected members of the San Francisco Retirement System Board is set to expire on February 20, 2015. Any active or retired member of the Retirement System is eligible to run. Candidates must be nominated in writing - on an official nomination form - by at least twenty (20) individuals who are members of the Retirement System. The nomination period runs from Monday, August 25 through Friday, September 19, 2014. Nomination forms are available from MEA or by contacting Norm Nickens at (415) 487-7025. Ballots will be sent out by the Department of Elections by December 22, 2014 and voting will take place January 19-30, 2015. All active and retired members of the Retirement System are eligible to vote. Election results will be available by February 4 and the successful candidate will begin his or her five-year term on February 20, 2015.
MEA Mission Statement: To enhance the quality of life for all San Franciscans and visitors by promoting sound government practices, supporting professional excellence for our City’s managers, and maintaining the highest ethical standards in the delivery of service to the public.
MEA Board: Martha Knutzen, Secretary MEA Staff: 
Mary Fitzpatrick, President Warren Cole Wilfredo Lim Rebecca Rhine
David German, Vice President Mark Culkins Jocelyn Quintos Raquel Silva
Crispin Hollings, Treasurer Luenna Kim Cathy Widener Camaguey Corvinelli
Municipal Executives’ Association at 870 Market Street, Suite 840, San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: (415) 989-7244 Fax: (415) 989-7077 Email: Website:

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